Exploring the Technological Sublime
Effimera has been founded in 2013 as Art Atelier, a Research Lab in Generative, Performing and Interactive Art, collecting the projects produced in the decade by Luca Lisci with the first virtual MoMA Pavillion in the metaverse and collaborating with major authors like Peter Greenaway and Saskia Boddeke to launch a deep exploration of virtual machines' role in human creativity. The exploration deepened along the years at the blending of Theatre, Videography, Metaverses and then exhibiting from Italy to Spain, France and USA, Brazil and China. In 2023, after 10 years from its foundation, with the emerging impact of Generative Artificial Intelligence, Spatial Computing and Blockchain on the poetic of the Technological Sublime, Effimera embraced the way of its very destiny: to become a pure art experience in itself.
Welcome to Effimera Post-Foundation website, where you can access part of the Effimera Archives and follow its developments.